
Brock and Salk

Today’s Show – Clayton, Urban, Charter Seats and a Morrow discussion

by Mike Salk

Quick note as I got in late today. Here’s what we have for you:

11:00: Geoff Baker had a note yesterday that the M’s have had conversations with the Pirates about swapping Yuni for SS Jack Wilson. How intersted would you be in dealing Yuni?

11:25: John Clayton. He’ll take some phone calls at 11:40 as well.

12:00: We’ll be talking about Brandon Morrow for most of the noon hour. For more on Brandon, check out my post below…We’ll talk to his college coach David Esquer from Cal-Berkley at 12:25.

2:10: Jerheme Urban, Arizona Cardinals Wide Receiver. This is the first in our “Spanning the NFC West” series as we will talk to a player on each team.


We’ll be giving away another pair of 4th Row CHARTER SEATS for tonight’s Mariners game. Details to come on the show…

Talk to you at 11:00…


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