
Seattle Mariners

Rick Rizzs keeps the Niehaus memory alive in the booth

Rizzs said that Niehaus' relationship with Mariners fans was special. "If you never met the man, you felt like you knew him because he was on the air every day for six months out of the year." (AP Photo/File)


As the Mariners get ready to take to the field for the season opener at Oakland, announcer Rick Rizzs is getting set to do his first regular season broadcast without longtime friend and voice of the Mariners Dave Niehaus.

“He was here since day one, and up until the last pitch of last season,” Rizzs told KIRO Radio’s Ron and Don Show.

Rizzs said that Niehaus’ relationship with Mariners fans was special. “If you never met the man, you felt like you knew him because he was on the air every day for six months out of the year.”

“He loved the fans and they loved him back. It was such a beautiful relationship for such a long time. It’s going to be strange to be in the booth without him,” Rizzs said.

But fans that enjoyed hearing Niehaus’ voice can listen closely for one more classic phrase. “When someone hits a home run with the bases loaded I will not say ‘goodbye baseball’ as I always do, but, ‘grandma’s going to get out the rye bread and mustard and make a sandwich,’ and the first home run is going to be ‘fly fly away.’ And we’re going to leave it at that – because that was Dave.”

Rizzs said that Mariners fans should be looking forward to the home opener which will feature a tribute to Niehaus, including the ceremonial first pitch from Marilyn Niehaus.

After the tributes, Rizzs said he won’t soon forget his close friend, “I have his picture with me, I’ll keep it will me forever.

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Mariners Pitching Matchup

Thu, Jan 1 @ 12:00 am

About the Author

Alyssa Kleven

Alyssa Kleven is an editor and content producer at She enjoys doting over her adorable dachshund Winnie - named for Arcade Fire front-man Win Butler.


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